Spin is proud to offer Spin Access, which provides access to our scooters for people without smartphones, mobile location services,
or credit cards. Spin Access also provides discounted fares for those who qualify.
Spin Access offers a variety of cheaper ride rates to users with limited incomes. You will be asked to provide eligible documents indicating
your status.
If you don’t have access to the internet, please call 1-888-262-5189.
I have a limited income and want to ride at a discount
Once you have a Spin Access promo code, you can use it in the following ways:
In the Spin cities listed below, you may buy Spin Access credit at a local Spin office. Transactions are cash only, with the exception of our office in Portland, OR, which accepts credit cards.
Please reach out to support@spin.pm, so we can make
sure the team is ready for you.
Please note that, at time of purchase, we will be required to record your full name and telephone number.
Your Spin Access card may look like this.
If you’re having trouble with any aspect of the Spin Access program, or have any questions, please reach out. You can find us on the web, by e-mail, or by dedicated support line: